Wednesday 29 July 2015

Save Our Forests

        In the world, natural forests are in crisis. so that the plants and animals that live in endangered. many people and cultures who depend on forests are also being threatened. But not everything is bad news. There is still hope to save these forests and save those who are of forest. forest ancient world is very diverse. These forests include boreal forest-pine forest types that exist in North America, the tropical rain forest, sub-tropical forests and forests magrove.

Together, they maintain environmental systems that are important for life on earth. They influence weather by controlling rainfall and evaporation of water from the soil. They help stabilize the world's climate by storing large amounts of carbon stored which otherwise would contribute to climate change.

These ancient forests are home to millions of people to survive the jungle of forest-dependent both physically and spiritually.

These forests are also home to two-thirds of species of plants and animals in the world. Which means hundreds of thousands of plants and trees of different species and millions of insect-their future also depends on ancient forests.

Ancient forests of this amazing under threat. In Brazil alone, more than 87 human cultures have been lost; in the next 10 to 20 years the world are likely to lose thousands of species of plants and animals. But there is a last chance to save the forests and the people and species that depend on them

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